Answered By: Jeffrey Orrico Last Updated: Jan 24, 2019 Views: 127686
Use Microsoft Word's automatic Header and Page Number functions rather than inserting them into the text of your paper manually.
To create Flush Left first page running head and page number:
- On your title page, the Header is in the form "Running Head: SHORT TITLE OF PAPER". Click on the "Insert" tab in the ribbon at the top of the Word program, then choose the Header tool.
- Choose the "Blank" style from the drop-down menu.
- Check the box labeled "Different First Page."
- In the Header space, type your first page style header "Running Head: SHORT TITLE OF PAPER"
- Move cursor to the end of your title. Then, with the Design Tools displayed, click the "Insert Alignment Tab" and select the Alignment option "Right." Click OK.
- Click on the Quick Parts tool and click on Field in the menu.
- In the Field pop-up menu, scroll down to Page and click on that.
- In Field Properties: Format, choose the page number style [1, 2, 3, ...] and click OK.
To create Flush Left running head and page numbers the following pages:
- Scroll down to the second page to repeat process for the rest of your paper.
- Click in header area above line; if line is not visible, double-click in space at top of page to activate header space.
- Enter SHORT TITLE at left. While the Header area is active, mover your cursor to the end of your title. Then, with the Design Tools displayed, click "Insert Alignment Tab" and select the Alignment option "Right." Use Quick Parts tool to create page numbers (will automatically start at “2”).
To start page numbering after title page:
- In first page header area, delete page number; the second page will still be numbered "2".
- To start numbering on second page with number "1", click on the Insert tab, in the Headers & Footers group, click Page Number, and then click Format Page Numbers.
- In the Page Number Format pop-up box, choose "Start at 0" and click OK. You can also change the style of the page numbers from this menu.
See the attached file for screenshots of the process.
If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us at the reference desk!
For more information about formatting papers in APA style, consult the APA Manual. A copy is located behind the reference desk.
The preferred font in APA is Times New Roman with 12-pt font size. Double-space between all text lines of the paper/manuscript. Leave margins at least 1 inch all around and on each page. Do not justify lines.
The APA rules for "running heads" are on pages 229-230 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (§8.03):
- a maximum of 50 characters, counting letters, punctuation, and spaces between words;
- flush left;
- all uppercase letters;
- at the top of the title page and all subsequent pages;
- do not use your name to identify each page
You can find the requirements for the Title and Byline in §§ 2.01 and 2.02 (pp. 22-23) of the APA manual. In general, the title should summarize the main idea of the paper and, if possible, with style. It should be a concise statement of the main topic.
The text formatting is detailed in §8.03; examples of a formatted manuscript are shown on pp. 41-59.
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The typeface for headers, footers, footnotes, etc. it normally smaller than the one used in the main body of the paper.
You want the number to start at 1 on the second page, with no number on the first page. Click on the HELP ? symbol (top left of screen) and search "start page numbering on page 2". The Help window gives a good step-by-step for making this change.
Call the Reference Desk if you'd like more help (203-371-7726).
Roman numerals & numberings
Thanks for all you do and blessings always.
Hope this helps everyone.