Articles from hundreds of U.S. and international newspapers are included in the library's databases. Use the topical databases for your subject (business, nursing, education, etc.) to search for news articles.
Links to print and electronic newspapers in the library's collection, together with brief summaries of coverage periods, can be viewed using the "Journal Finder" link under the Library Search Tab on the library homepage. In the drop-down menu under "Browse E-Journals by Subject", select the category "General" and click search. Then choose the sub-category "Newspapers - General and Popular".
Alternatively, choose the category SUBJECT from the drop-down menu in the Library Catalog search on the library homepage, enter the term "newspapers" and click SEARCH. The results list give links to over 200 newspapers alphabetically by geographic location or theme of the newspaper. To see if we have newspapers from a particular country, choose the category SUBJECT from the drop-down menu, enter the name of the country followed by "newspapers" (e.g. "China newspapers") or the name of the country followed by "periodicals" (e.g., "Switzerland newspapers"). N.B., the term periodicals encompasses newspapers, magazines, and journals.
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