Can I setup a VPN connection from home?


Yes. If you are unable to access the library's resources through the normal authentication method, you can set up a VPN connection from home that should allow you to access the library's resources from off-campus. Follow the VPN installation instructions below to get started:

Installation Instructions

  • Navigate to and use your SHU credentials to login. If it says Java must be enabled, check to the right of the address bar and look for a notification. This will allow you to enable Java to run on this web page.
  • Download and install the GlobalProtect agent for your operating system
  • Open the GlobalProtect App and insert as the portal and use your SHU credentials for authentication. Click Connect.
  • When the connection is complete, read and close the Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Click Disconnect on the GlobalProtect app to end the session, then close the GlobalProtect app.

The Global Protect App will stay on your computer for the next time you wish to connect.

After you connect, open a web browser and navigate to Click on any database and you should be able to access the resources.


  • Last Updated May 31, 2023
  • Views 3954
  • Answered By Jeffrey Orrico

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